Dubai uses AI to predict health crisis hours ahead

By Divi S.

DUBAI 28  May 2019: Deteriorating health conditions in patients can be detected with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) anywhere from one hour to 20 hours ahead with 90 to 98 percent accuracy.

Smart Dubai unveiled a new AI use case that allows healthcare professionals to predict a patient’s condition by tracking six vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, and the pulse, among others. The high-precision AI system analyses the data to predict how a patient’s situation will progress, take the necessary precautions, and potentially save many lives.

The pilot project by Smart Dubai’s AI Lab, conducted in collaboration with Dubai Health Authority and IBM, also demonstrated that the system is capable of determining the precise moment when a patient’s condition is likely to deteriorate after leaving the intensive care unit.

Thousands of patients across four hospitals – Rashid Hospital, Latifa Hospital, Dubai Hospital, and Hatta Hospital – were part of the proof of concept (PoC), where the system was trained to process the data of these patients.

3 Key benefits

The trial also revealed three main benefits the DHA and participating hospitals can look forward to, the first of which is an increased potential to save lives by means of a sophisticated system that draws on accurate data to pre-emptively determine critical cases and take the necessary precautions on time.

The second benefit pertains to better management of a hospital’s resources, particularly doctors and nurses. And third, the system will enhance the performance of the medical crew by providing them the data with which they need to make sound decisions, and offer insights that would normally take years of experience in the medical sector to accumulate.