Dh5,000 fine for driving without licence in UAE

By Rajive Singh

866 caught driving without licence in Abu Dhabi

ABU DHABI 27 March 2018: Abu Dhabi Police has issued a reminder to drivers on the importance of complying with the country’s driving laws and regulations, including ensuring that they always carry a valid driver’s licence and car registration.

This came as the force announced that 866 people were caught driving without a valid licence in 2017.

Brigadier Ahmed Al Hantubi, Deputy Director of Central Operations at Abu Dhabi Police, said that UAE traffic laws requires drivers to produce a valid driving license when requested by traffic patrol police, reminding that drivers should only operate the type of vehicle listed on their licence (ie light or heavy-weight vehicles), said Wam.

Al Hantubi added that violators can face major penalties, including a maximum prison sentence of 3 months and/or a minimum Dh5,000 fine.

The official also called on parents to prevent children from driving without a licence in order to avoid traffic accidents and protect the safety of their children and community.

He warned that parents who allow underage children (below 18) to drive on the roads hence – endangering the lives of their children and others – will be held accountable under the juvenile delinquency law.