Biz Notes: Creating multiple revenue streams…

By Theda Muller

DUBAI 17 October 2017: The true meaning of Game-Changing is “A very critical process applied within your existing business and/or developing new offerings with the desired potential to alter the overall outcome”.

So, for example, it could be that your plan to transition from products to solutions was a Game-Changing moment for your company.

Complacency is normally the deterrent emotional state of mind that is a stopper for Game-Changing, because many entrepreneurs prefer to ride any waves of their existing business when things ‘rough up’ a bit, because they assume that it’s better to wait until the storm is over and then things will pick up again. Wrong!

Theda Muller
Theda Muller

You just lost a moment to perhaps change your business forever by not thoroughly reviewing what the cog in the wheel is for your current business and why the performance is not what you projected?

Suddenly creating a Game-Changing moment is irreplaceable, especially when you find that you were spot-on with your strategy and that it worked and turned your business around.

They key is to continually review your business to see just how you can change things for a more effective outcome, enabling you to achieve your goals, dreams and desires.

If you’re just lazing around hoping for miracles then nothing will change as you need to:

  1. Master the art of Game-Changing by continual following of market trends and learning new methods of the best service deliverables levels you can achieve
  2. Perfecting Game-Changing also means that you ruffle your creative and innovative juices and who knows what mighty products and solutions you may create?
  3. Successful Game-Changing requires continual mastery of Leadership Skills
  4. Game-Changing may mean the unknown, or undiscovered so you should learn to be comfortable in your own skin to explore with no boundaries
  5. Game-Changing teaches you how to reinvent yourself as a master visionary, with time, you will improve to such an extent that it may even surprise you

When it pertains to mastering the art of creating multiple Revenue Streams, then there is nothing like it, as you learn that when the bucket falls out of one component of your business if ever you reach a bad patch, then you have a fallback and there is nothing like it!

If you can imagine that your company only marketed real estate and then one fine day, the market crashes or slumps! So, what will you do? Close your business or live off a peanut income?

Some effective ideas that even I learnt to master works, if you have a strategic plan for additional Revenue Streams:

  1. Activate effective marketing campaigns to secure high-network investor interests with a promise to confidentially manage their real estate investment profiles and create unique methods to render a sterling service. This kind of additional Revenue Stream can yield a secure income, provided you over-deliver and it also creates continuity of business within those exclusive circles, purely by referrals.
  2. Extend your marketing campaign to key overseas countries where you can secure confirmed seats for high-end investors to attend and professionally dress up, show up and present your most stunning portfolio and if you have the experience, you may be fortunate enough to sign up one or more investors. Investors need trust, your absolute professionalism, integrity and confidentiality, so if you are smart, you will know how to effectively engage.
  3. Write ‘Self-Help’ e-books on your subject and mentor others to perfect their art, post the links up on your website where they can purchase them at a reasonable price, download and learn from your experience. Know that we are all masters of our own talent, where there are many individuals seeking that talent, so you are short-circuiting yourself by not sharing with the world.
  4. Host Webinars on your subject of expertise where you have an opportunity to directly engage, effectively market your products and services and sign up new clients at the end of the Webinar.
  5. Host ‘live’ Workshops where you engage one-on-one sharing your knowledge and experience.

You might say ‘this won’t work’, or ‘I will never be able to do this’ or ‘I don’t have the money to do this’ but you will be surprised how much can be achieved on a shoe-string budget, if you just took the time to learn specific techniques and methodologies which are freely available online, most times at zero cost. Just you never took the time to emerge yourself into the expert space to find out exactly how those who achieved the success you are dreaming about, arrived at that milestone.

Nothing is for free, it takes effort, perseverance and a unique ability to perfect Game-Changing and generating additional Revenue Streams, where currently it seems like a dream for many, but trust me, if you put in the time then you will reap the rewards. You tend to look at those who already achieved the success and wonder how they did it? Well, it’s your job to emerge yourself into finding out how and if you don’t want to do that, then shortcut to securing the best experienced mentor you can find and stick to that plan, you will not have any regrets, if you do the work expected of you.

If you don’t continue dissecting your existing business to see how you can continually improve your products and services then redundancy is inevitable and with the current available resources today, you will only have yourself to blame one day when you will have no option, but to close your doors.

Note: Theda Muller is a UAE-based visionary entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of various UAE companies, business advisor and legacy mentor, US trained and globally experienced. She is also an author of two books: Embrace Financial Freedom Volume One: 10 Proven Ways To Release Debt And Emotional Fears In Today’s Economy, and Volume Two: Releasing Fear And Bouncing Back From A Debt Crisis. She also conducts webinars and workshops on debt recovery.