Biz Notes: Entrepreneurship is not an easy road

By Theda Muller

DUBAI 12 November 2018: Struggles on the entrepreneurship journey are very real and the sooner you come to terms with it, learn and master the art of coping and overcoming, the sooner you will realize authentic transformation of self, where you finally reach a plateau, that nothing can disturb your inner peace, even the dire lack of money and why?

  1. Because you will learn and master the art of survival;
  2. You will acquire the art of game changing, to constantly create new revenue funnels, even on the side, to survive, where thriving will actualize later, once you also learn how to stop worrying, diving into depression, anxiety and nothingness, that will pull you down even further;
  3. You will learn that when you change your thoughts, words and actions, you will change your life;
  4. Struggling is not failure, it builds sediments of strength and unfailing character, you will come to embrace this journey of overcoming, building and acquiring tenacity and drive to succeed as you follow your path of life;
  5. The best mentors are the one’s why failed abysmally and then progressed to achieve uncommon wealth and success, in the face of all forms of adversity;
  6. You must learn to die inside, to eventually arrive and thrive and then tell your story, which will be an encouragement to many, who may be facing those same hurdles at the time;

Never imagine that when you admire a hugely successful entrepreneur, that they faced dire hardships and struggles, sometimes without money for the bare necessities, but they did and once they share their story, you will understand that you are not unique, that this is the path many pursued and conquered.

Theda Muller

As authentic entrepreneurs, whether you are starting out right now, or you are seasoned, you learn to be versatile in all strategies you create, that later you will find your true path, passion and purpose, but this road is followed by most, beneficial to all of them when they look back today on their journey of success.

There comes a time that you pursued the wrong business for the wrong reasons, then you must make the decision to close shop, take a few steps back, review your mistakes, pick yourself up and start all over again, if you feel from within that you were not destined to be an employee, because many of us know this from a young age.

Game-changing is key, so is keeping an open mind, simply think about what you really love doing and how you would feel if you awoke every day inspired and driven to do this thing that doesn’t feel like work, that you could almost do without monetary compensation, then go do that thing!

When you apply this Game-changing methodology, be prepared for many hours of creation, sacrifice of your time, social life and other habits you acquired, because it must be put on the backburner for longer than you imagined. There are no free lunches, you must put in the time to overcome and achieve.

As an entrepreneur, you often find yourself without money, then you find yourself without friends or relationships you treasured and that’s fine, move on, hold your vision as your key goal, because you cannot create with the same mind-set with which you failed, it all has to be new creations, with new milestones, objectives and commitments.

Commitment to self is key when you face hurdles of real struggle, you have no room to entertain any negative thought, especially if you lost it all, remember, if you created in the past with success, you can do it again, perhaps in another segment of business, because we don’t know most of the time what we want, it’s a searching process until we find the niche that suits us best, that is aligned with who we really are, then magic begins!

Most times a struggle is a turning point, but few identify this and they simply throw in the towel, most times the miracle is around the corner and you give up, then just imagine if you endured for sometime, your patience and embracing failure, would have served you and your life could have been so much better than you imagined.

Never entertain a negative mind-set as it doesn’t serve you, walk away, learn how to apply positive tools to you and your train of thought, if you can do this, you will achieve personal transformation, that can never equate to the value of money.

Note: Theda Muller is a UAE-based visionary entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of various UAE companies, business advisor and legacy mentor, US trained and globally experienced. She is also an author of two books: Embrace Financial Freedom Volume One: 10 Proven Ways To Release Debt And Emotional Fears In Today’s Economy, and Volume Two: Releasing Fear And Bouncing Back From A Debt Crisis. She also conducts webinars and workshops on debt recovery.