Make sure your doctor or hospital is licenced

By Angel Chan

DUBAI 30 August 2018: The Dubai Health Authority (DHA), has called on health professionals and facilities to renew their DHA licences to avoid any penalties.

The authority also announced its future plans to tie up with the Department of Economic Development, DED, to unify the licencing process to ensure a smooth and swift procedure that will help achieve customer satisfaction, said Wam.

Dr. Marwan Al Mulla, CEO of the DHA’s Health Regulation Sector, emphasised the importance of abiding by the authority’s laws and regulations of renewal to ensure that the medical authorities in Dubai provide quality health services hence ensuring the safety and the wellbeing of Dubai’s community.

Expired Licences

“Healthcare professionals must maintain the validity of their DHA licence and make sure that it is renewed prior to the expiry date by three months. Those who practice with an expired licence (clinical or administrative duties) will be penalised,” Dr. Al Mulla said.

In order to renew the health professional’s licence, doctors, pharmacists, supporting medical professionals and dentists must first apply and pay online through the online licencing initiative, “Sheryan.” They need to provide a malpractice insurance and primary source verification report as well as a medical fitness test if the applicant is 65 years and above.

Once the required documents are reviewed and approved by the health regulation department, the licence will be issued.

Continual Education

Dr. Al Mulla also revealed that health professionals must finish their Continual Medical Education, CME, requirements as a prerequisite to obtaining their licence. “Doctors are required to complete 40 hours of CME per year while nurses and pharmacist must complete 20 hours and medical supporting professionals must complete 10 hours,” he added.

Health facilities can apply in the same way through Sheryan but must provide a trade licence and DHA undertaking letter to be reviewed before approval.

Dr. Al Mulla concluded by stating that the DHA has held various meetings with the aim of unifying the process with the DED to further streamline the licencing and renewal procedures for medical facilities making the procedures faster and easier ultimately encouraging health investment.