Meet ‘Otto’ the >2,000 kg Hippo @ Emirates Park Zoo

Otto spends more than 10 hours a day submerged in his pool

Abu Dhabi 6 April 2017: Emirates Park Zoo announced the opening of the Hippo House, home to a 5-year old hippopotamus that goes by the name Otto. The African Hippo weighing more than 2,000 kg is all sorts of adorable.

Otto who spends more than 10 hours a day submerged in his pool to keep his massive body cool under the hot Arabian sun, loves to swim and play with his ball.

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He is constantly showing off his groovy moves and loves to munch on fruits, vegetables and grass.

Dr. Waleed Sha’aban, Emirates Park Resort’s Zoo Operations Manager, said “We are delighted to provide a home for darling Otto and I am happy to report that he is doing great here. Otto has settled into the Hippo House seamlessly and is exceptionally friendly.”

Hippos are not generally known to be friendly.

Fondly named the River Horse by the Greeks, the water-loving hippopotamus has quickly become one of the most loved residents across zoos all over the world.

Emirates Park Zoo’s own Otto the Hippo has rose to being the star attraction of the destination appealing to children and adults alike.

“Hippos once had a broader distribution but now live in eastern central and southern sub-Saharan Africa, where the populations are in decline. Emirates Park Zoo which has constantly focused on raising awareness on wildlife conservation and has prominently fought against animal abuse will look to educate the community on the decline of the African hippo species.”

 – By Sheena Amos