SHARJAH 26 February 2021: The Local Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management team in Sharjah has decided 100 percent distance learning for all public and private schools in the emirate until the end of Spring Semester.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Sharjah Private Education Authority, the team decided to continue the distance learning system at 100 percent for students in schools, and pupils in public and private nurseries in the emirate, until the end of the spring semester.
The local team explained that the decision comes as a continuation of the wise leadership’s keenness to preserve the safety and health of students and the provision of appropriate alternatives for continuing learning remotely, to ensure comprehensive health security, said Wam.
Meanwhile, the local team, through the Executive Committee for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management, continued its multilingual awareness campaign via drones to educate the community on the need to adhere to the preventive measures and procedures to limit the spread of the emerging COVID-19, to reach the highest possible number of community members.
The committee called on members of society to follow preventive measures and adhere to wearing masks, to avoid mixing and gatherings, and to stay away from everything that exposes the community to the danger of the virus.
The committee also called on members of society to expedite receiving the vaccine through the allocated vaccination centres across the country, to cooperate in uniting efforts to limit the spread of the virus, and to adhere to the directives issued by the Ministry of Interior and the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA), to follow all preventive and precautionary measures, to preserve public health.