UAE convicts expat for helping Iran’s nuclear programme

Abu Dhabi Federal Appeal Court convicts Iranian businessman

ABU DHABI 27 April 2017: The Abu Dhabi Federal Appeal Court has sentenced an Iranian businessman, S.M.A.R., to 10 years in prison following his conviction of attempting to re-export an electric generator to Iran to assist in the country’s nuclear programme.

Authorities have confiscated a generator and seized other devices related to the case, said Wam.

The man was found guilty of violating the international ban on nuclear weapons and will be deported after serving his sentence.

In other cases, the court issued a three-year prison sentence to two GCC nationals after they were found guilty of publishing information and spreading ideas online with the intent to incite sedition, hatred and sectarian racism.

The two were also fined Dh500,000, required to delete the posts, and pay court expenses. They will be deported after serving their sentences.

The court also reviewed and deferred judgment on a number of cases relating to national security.

By Rajive Singh