10 shocking confessions of celebrity parents

Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world with an enormous amount of responsibility. You have to take care of a child and raise it to be a functioning, well-rounded adult.

When we think about our parents and how they raised us, there were tactics they used that we agreed with and others that we disagreed with.

In our modern world with social media, parents can be in the spotlight in an instant, and people all over the world can criticize their parenting skills. However, as we all know, it is easy to judge and criticize when looking from the outside. We don’t know what a parent’s personal life is like, or how the child behaves on a regular basis.

Even though there are thousands of books written about the right way to parent, we won’t ever know the answer. But there are some clear rules and boundaries that must be followed, and they delve from common sense. The parents you are about to meet have broken numerous rules in traditional parenting, and it isn’t known if that’s more harmful than good for their children.

In this video, you will meet the ten most disturbing parents in Hollywood. Given how unique some of these celebrities are, it shouldn’t be a major surprise that their personalities transpire into their parenting tactics. Being a celebrity already puts you in the spotlight to be criticized for your parenting skills, and most of them do pass their kids off to nannies.
