35+ red light violations in Abu Dhabi every day

By Sheena Amos

How many millions did Abu Dhabi earn?

ABU DHABI 21 February 2018: Red-light cameras caught 13,000 violations in the emirate of Abu Dhabi during 2017, according to a senior police official. This comes to more than 35 violations every day in the emirate.

Brigadier Ahmed Al Shehhi, Deputy Director of the Traffic and Patrols Department at the Abu Dhabi Police, said that running a red light was the main cause for six per cent of the traffic incidents in Abu Dhabi last year, said Wam.

“Motorists usually run a red-light signal because of failure to pay attention, distraction, and speeding at intersections,” he added.

He urged motorists to slow down when approaching intersections in order to have better control over their vehicles when the signal changes. He also warned that there will be zero tolerance towards those who run a red light.

According to Ministerial Resolution No. 178 for 2017, the fine for running a red light for motorists driving light vehicles is Dh1,000 with 12 black points and impound of the vehicle for 30 days, whereas for truck drivers it is Dh3,000, plus a one-year suspension of the driver’s licence.