Dual Licence: Dafza firms can operate across Dubai

By Rajive Singh

DUBAI 25 September 2017: The Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (Dafza), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai to allow Dafza companies to obtain dual licenses to operate across Dubai.

The MoU is in line with intensified efforts between Dafza and DED to support the Dubai Government’s goal of establishing a diversified and flexible knowledge-based economy driven by innovation and investment.

The agreement aims to strengthen cooperation on initiatives targeting all aspects related to providing economic support for Dafza’s main services. It will also facilitate collaboration on areas of common interest that help achieve the strategic objectives of both parties.

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Dr. Mohammed Al Zarooni, Director General of Dafza, and Sami Dhaen Al Qamzi, Director General of DED, were the official signatories.

The MoU aims to enhance coordination through the licensing and activities of companies operating in Dafza. Applicants must obtain the approval of the free zone first, in accordance with the stipulated conditions.

Under the terms of the agreement, DED may modify or add any activity related to the licenses of companies subject to the approval of free zone. Both parties will work closely to improve the levels of governance, compliance and transparency for businesses working within Dafza. They will also monitor and inspect licensed companies to ensure their compliance with the applicable laws on various commercial activities, particularly the Law on the Suppression of Fraud and Deception in Commercial Transactions, the Consumer Protection Law, the Commercial Transactions Law and Commercial Agencies Law .