Dubai ranked ‘best city for expats’ in Mena: Mercer

By Eudore R. Chand

Dubai ranks 74th globally on Quality of Living Index

DUBAI 21 March 2018: Dubai has been ranked as the top city in the Middle East and Africa in the Quality of Living Index brought out by Mercer, a global consulting leader.

Dubai ranked in 74th place in the global rankings and number one in the region for the sixth year in a row.

Mercer’s annual survey enables multinational companies and other organisations to compensate employees fairly when placing them on international assignments. Vienna topped the 2018 global ranking for the ninth consecutive year, followed by Zurich (2) and Auckland and Munich in joint third place.

In the Middle East and Africa (Mena), Dubai was closely followed by neighbouring Abu Dhabi, which claimed 77th place. The region’s lowest-ranked cities for quality of living included Damascus (225), Sana’s (229) and Baghdad (231).

Rob Thissen, Senior Associate at Mercer in Dubai with responsibility for Global Mobility Services, commented: “Dubai continues to make a name for itself as a popular destination for companies opening offices and sending employees to the Middle East. The government is consistently working on furthering its infrastructure, safety, security and health facilities, to enhance the quality of living for those who choose to live and work here.“

This year, Mercer also provided a separate ranking on City Sanitation, which analysed cities’ waste removal and sewage infrastructure, levels of infectious disease, air pollution, water availability and quality – all important aspects of a city’s attractiveness for both talent and businesses. Dubai and Abu Dhabi topped the City Sanitation ranking in the Middle East and Africa, surpassing other cities around the world like London, Paris and Los Angeles. Other cities in the GCC with a top 100 rank included Muscat (70) and Kuwait (99).

Thissen concluded: “Multinational companies need a full picture of conditions on the ground to help calculate fair and consistent expatriate compensation – a real challenge in locations with a compromised quality of living. Access to drinkable water, healthcare facilities, clean air and good sewage infrastructure are important factors that contribute to the quality of living of expatriates and their families. These basic services are a key competitive advantage for cities and municipalities trying to attract multinational companies, talent, and foreign investments,” he added.

How does your city rank, expats?

Kuala Lumpur 85
Shanghai 103
Muscat 105
Tunis 114
Rabat 117
Amman 119
Beijing 119
Kuwait 126
Bangkok 132
Istanbul 134
Manama 136
Hyderabad 142
Pune 142
Begaluru 149
Chennai 151
Mumbai 154

The ranking is for 158 cities. Other are not included.