Entrepreneurs: Here’s how to bounce back

By Theda Muller

DUBAI 29 April 2018: As an entrepreneur, failure – and sometimes abysmal failure on your journey – is actually where we draw our strength from.

We can learn invaluable lessons, if only we perceive such failure as a stepping stone, instead of creating a fear bubble.

Theda Muller

The lessons are:

1. The opinions and perceptions of those around you pertaining to your failure;
2. The ‘grapevine’ that will be discussed over your head or behind your back;
3. The humiliation, degradation and embarrassment you may feel, will make you want to crawl into a hole and never surface again;
4. The inevitable loss of ‘The Golden Gift of Money and Money-Flow’;
5. Losing all your money and unable to sustain yourself, as you did in the past;
6. The loss of materialism, the ‘things’ you worshiped or clung to that made you feel good, now having to face disposing of them or getting the courage to do so, in the face of all adversity you must face, is not a good feeling, I totally agree;
7. Not being able to continue ‘playing’ in the circles you were accustomed to, or the social elevation you created, which most times is delusional if you have lived a pretentious existence of only focusing on your accumulated wealth and material acquisitions.

It’s never bad to acquire wealth or materialism, because having the ability to create a consistent ‘money flow’, is a gift, an authentic understanding and maturity level that few acquire and are able to maintain or sustain, because most of the time, we don’t have the ability to retain it, so we lose it, at a time we least expect, which can be a devastation. I know, because I have been there…

When you lose in business and you are down and out, most of the time, you are sole alone, perhaps a few good men will be standing by your side and then you are probably one of the most fortunate beings on planet earth, because all the times I lost, I hardly found a single person by my side, those that were there, are my life-long treasures and you assure yourself that one fine day when the sun really shines for you again, you will reciprocate in a way that will blow them away.


Key Steps to Bounce Back

1. Embrace a new journey – Resign yourself that this is a journey only you can take to recover and emerge a winner on your next journey;
2. Emergence…Emergence…Emergence – In the many available online resources and tools to recreate yourself, gain more knowledge, expertise, experience and saturate your being in this for a while, because it will start rebuilding your confidence and it will equip your determination to activate your next journey, see it through and bounce back!
3. Secure a Mentor – Even with a limited budget, negotiate with an experienced mentor who will help you to recreate a new blueprint for yourself for future success. Don’t be frugal if you can afford it, rather use any spare money on this assignment, before you take a decision to just dive into a recovery process, because more than likely, you are ill-equipped for the new journey to bounce back;
4. Set your Intention – To recreate something new, even yourself;
5. Gain Clarity – Create the most effective strategic recovery plan and saturate yourself;
6. Create new Habits – You’re about to create something new, so you cannot do this with your old habits, the outcome is staring at you in the face;
7. Beating old Drums – Stop beating old drums of why you failed, or blaming others; or some situation, because the sooner you take ownership and responsibility for your own failure, the sooner you will learn how to bounce back. Write it down to experience and a tough lesson, without putting a label to it and move on to new pastures;
8. Finding your Calling – If you’ve always felt that this failed business was a burden, that you never enjoyed being involved in it, then follow your heart to create the venture that does not feel like work, that will make you get up in the morning and even if you never got paid, you would feel like you found your purpose and passion, then for sure this is your calling in life and so you will succeed.
9. Being Authentic – If you’re a born Entrepreneur and failed, then it means you have a calling you have not identified yet, because at this stage you may feel that the show is not over, you were meant to be successful, that you can face this failure and rebuild. Then my advice is ‘go and get it’, rebuild your future and look forward to new success!

Don’t let anyone ever convince you to get a job if you know in your heart you were destined to be an Entrepreneur and achieve great success. As Entrepreneurs we all know that we are different from a young age, because we like to do things differently, we react and act differently, we don’t follow the mainstream, and this is when you know exactly that there is something spectacular out there for you, so it’s your job to find it!

The essence of ‘bouncing back’ is you tackling the job head-on to find out how you can transform yourself completely, in both a personal and business capacity, what works for you, what gives you joy every single day, identifying your authentic self, learning the power of self-love so you can bounce back as many times as you wish, because complete inner transformation, transforms the external and if you can master this art, most of your battles are won, done and dusted!

It’s always just fear of everything that holds us back, because failure is devastating and can make you feel inadequate, diminishing your self-confidence and will to pick yourself up, so don’t let that happen to you, because you are worth much more!

Note: Theda Muller is a UAE-based visionary entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of various UAE companies, business advisor and legacy mentor, US trained and globally experienced. She is also an author of two books: Embrace Financial Freedom Volume One: 10 Proven Ways To Release Debt And Emotional Fears In Today’s Economy, and Volume Two: Releasing Fear And Bouncing Back From A Debt Crisis. She also conducts webinars and workshops on debt recovery.