Investors Beware: This is how a ‘fake’ flat was sold

offered at price much lower than market

DUBAI 18 July 2017: A Pakistani manager allegedly forged a flat ownership and conned a man of Dh51,200 as down payment of selling the flat, the Dubai Criminal Court heard.

The manager, FH, 38, pretended to be a property broker and approached his country fellowman, NI, 23, investor, and offered him to buy a flat in the International City.

β€œHe convinced me of the deal when he said that the owner of the flat is asking just for Dh335,000 while the market value of it was Dh375,000. After FH sent me the ownership certificate by email, I issued a cheque of Dh51,200 in the name of BA, the owner of the flat and then sent the cheque by post,” testified the victim.

After about two months, the victim enquired with FH and asked him for transferring the property to his name.

The victim suspected the deal as FH was procrastinating and saying that the seller is outside the country.

β€œI went to the land department and it was shocking to learn that BA was not the owner of the flat subject of the deal,” said the victim.

The victim lodged a complaint with the police who arrested FH but BA remained fugitive.

The court will reconvene.

By Lolyana Zaki