ABU DHABI 17 September 2020: The peace accord signing ceremony between the UAE and Israel is an important beginning, the Director-General of Israel’s Tazpit Press Service, TPS, Amotz Eyal, said.
“From which we will build a better future,” he continued.
Eyal in an op-ed, following a landmark accord signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates in White House on 15th September, said, “In order to establish peace between peoples, we must build trust between the public, reduce fears and dispel lies.”
“Thus we can build a partnership between peoples based on mutual trust, sharing knowledge and building economies,” he added, said official UAE news agency Wam.
“It is important to note that this is a unique agreement, which could even be termed a true peace – an agreement beyond a mere piece of paper, an agreement with potential for real cooperation.
“Many Emiratis have publicly shown their support for Israel – it’s the basis for a warm peace. Peace that leads to real change,” he said.
The role of a news agency is to bridge the gap, connect and verify that information is shared in the right way with media outlets, the head of the TPS added.
Following is the full text of the op-ed: The peace agreement signing ceremony is an important beginning from which we will build a better future. In order to establish peace between peoples, we must build trust between the public, reduce fears and dispel lies. Thus we can build a partnership between peoples based on mutual trust, sharing knowledge and building economies.
The basis of any connection is trust, understanding and responsibility, whether in relationships between couples – interpersonal communication – or in relationships between countries – communication via mass media. Building communication correctly, based on trust and understanding, is not easy. Especially if there is baggage. And we have quite a bit of baggage – years of unfamiliarity, rumours and false information transmitted by third parties advancing their own interests that have affected public opinion.
It is important to note that this is a unique agreement, which could even be termed a true peace – an agreement beyond a mere piece of paper, an agreement with potential for real cooperation. Viewed in the context of the past few years, before the official agreement, the unofficial relations between our countries began. Information sharing, business relationships under the radar, and individual tourist visits already began. That’s a sure sign that there is a real desire for this agreement. Many Israelis see the UAE, and Dubai in particular, as an ideal vacation destination. Emirati funds are interested in investing in Israeli startups.
Israeli farmers went to the UAE and taught their methods for growing food – and developed new ones suited to them. Many Emiratis have publicly shown their support for Israel – it’s the basis for a warm peace. Peace that leads to real change.
Dubai is the economic capital of the Gulf. Just as Dubai is a powerful regional economic centre, Israel is the innovation capital of the Middle East. The partnership between the two can lead to meaningful achievements. Imagine the growth and influence that is now possible, with joint medical startups, shared agricultural innovations, and more.
Another component of warm peace is based on mutual tourism, getting to know a country in person. There is no substitute for seeing places with your own eyes, tasting the flavours of the country, meeting its people face to face, and simply experiencing the local culture. The desire already exists. And with a little help, it will happen soon.
But without the critical component of the media, the connection will be incomplete and the challenge of building trust will remain.
Open and meaningful communication between countries is the base for all this. Up until now, each country’s media coverage of the other was based on third party sources that frequently changed or skewed information along the way. Today, it is possible to work together directly and cooperate. This is not only the way to fight media mistakes, but to build a shared future.
Without information being shared through the media in a trustworthy way, money won’t be invested and tourists won’t come. Accurate and complete media coverage can conquer fear, show the beauty of each country, and show the people on the other side the inherent potential in the relationship.
Most people won’t be physically involved in business agreements, many do not have the means to personally visit, but via the exchange of trustworthy, accurate information between media outlets, the peoples will get to know, learn about and understand each other.
The role of a news agency is to bridge the gap, to connect and verify that information is shared in the right way with media outlets. Today, we have the opportunity to build connections and strengthen trust between the two countries. It is in the interest of the UAE, and it is in the interest of Israel. It is in the interest of the peace-seeking world.
We are in a new era of true peace between peoples. A year ago, at the News Agencies World Congress, I met representatives from the UAE’s news agency, and we spoke of our desire to work together. Today, it’s possible. Today we begin working together as news agencies and media outlets to make a difference that will be the basis for a true peace based on real communication and understanding.