Rough Seas Warning: Careful when out at sea

By Angel Chan

ABU DHABI 30 January 2018: The National Centre for Meteorology (NCM) has warned sea-vessels offshore of the Oman Sea about strong North-westerly winds that will continue to affect the sea with wave heights between four to six feet, and peaking up to eight feet until 15:00 on Tuesday.

Earlier, it called on motorists and road users to be cautious on the roads due to low visibility caused by aggravated dust and sand, with visibility expected to drop to less than 1,500 metres on most open areas.

weather alert

In a statement, \NCM said that northwestern winds are expected to affect the Arabian Gulf sea with wave heights rising from 7-9 and up to 11 feet by 8 am on Monday.

It warned offshore sea vessels in the Oman Sea of strong North-westerly winds that will cause wave heights between five to seven feet, with a maximum height of eight feet from 16:00 on Sunday until 08:00 Monday.