WASHINGTON 29 June 2017: There will be no negotiations over demands by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other boycotting nations for Qatar to stop supporting terrorism, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir has said.
The minister made the statement at a meeting with reporters at the Saudi embassy in Washington.
“The measures taken towards Qatar in its capacity as a neighbouring sisterly country are painful to us, but its non-abidance with Riyadh Arrangement, its support for extremist and terrorist groups as well as its provocation and interfering in the domestic affairs of a number of countries, is unacceptable, not only for the boycotting countries but for all countries of the world hoping that wisdom will prevail and be observed by our brothers in Qatar and they stop such support and interference,” he added.
The Saudi foreign minister noted, “We have presented a list of demands to Qatar, made our point, explained our position and taken our decision. This list of demands is non-negotiable and should be implemented in full.”
By Rajive Singh