3,271 fined for no masks in cars, buses, taxis…

Eudore R. Chand

DUBAI 13 June 2021: Dubai Police’s Al Rashidiya Police Station issued 10,635 fines and warnings against violators of the announced precautionary measures against Covid-19 across the Station’s jurisdiction area in 2020.

The violations included:

  • 3,271 violations for not wearing facemasks in private and public transportation
  • 2,526 violations for failing to maintain social distancing in vehicles
  • 1,559 violations for exceeding the allowed number of passengers per vehicle
  • 3,276 violations for going out without a permit during the National Sterilisation Programme
  • Three violations for organising overcrowded events and gatherings

According to the Director of Al Rashidiya Police Station, Brigadier Saeed Hamad Bin Sulaiman Al Malik, these violations were issued while monitoring eight designated areas to ensure the public’s adherence to the coronavirus precautionary measures, and in response to resolution No. (38) of 2020 following Cabinet Decision No. 17 of 2020 regarding the implementation of regulations for spreading communicable diseases.

Al Malik pointed out that Al Rashidiya Police Station is always keen on carrying out various and initiatives and procedures to ensure the implementation of the precautionary measures in the area of jurisdiction.

The director of Al Rashidiya Police Station called members of the public to comply with the precautionary measures to protect themselves and others, indicating that violators who pose risk to the health of our society will be held responsible for their actions.


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