DUBAI 6 August 2017: Doctors at Dubai Hospital successfully conducted a highly complicated open-heart-surgery on a 29-year-old, who was admitted with a rare heart condition.
The patient was suffering from an impaired cardiac function associated with a giant dilated left ventricle aneurysm generated during recurrent heart attacks, said Wam.
The team was supported by anaesthesia technicians and nursing staff, while the operation was conducted using highly specialised technology, such as a Heart Lung machine.
“The young patient underwent a critical heart reconstruction surgery to repair and reshape the left ventricle that had got damaged during a heart attack. Heart attacks in the left ventricle weaken the tissue wall, which can form extensive scar tissue, and consequently, an aneurysm (a balloon-like bulge of a blood vessel) exposing the patient to serious life-threatening complications, such as a rupture of an aneurysm, embolic stroke and irreversible enlarged rounded heart failure,” Dr. Faouzi Safadi, Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery Department, who led the cardiothoracic team, said.
Dr. Tarek Abdel Aziz, Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery, remarked that during the left ventricular reconstruction surgery, the team had to make an incision to remove the damaged areas (thinned and scarred tissue).
“Our purpose is to restore and reshape the geometry of the heart, thus enabling it to be a more efficient pump. To conserve the appropriate elliptical shape ventricular cavity fit with a good heart function, and to know how much scar tissue should be removed, a specific oval-shaped balloon sizer is inserted and filled into the left ventricle to regain the natural heart configuration,” he explained.
By Angel Chan